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Prof Angela Tincani

Prof Angela Tincani

Senior consultant

Professor Angela Tincani is a senior consultant (previously director) at the Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology Unit of Aziende Socio Sanitaria Territoriali (ASST)-Spedali Civili and University of Brescia, Italy.


Professor Tincani has been involved in several international committees for education and research in the field of systemic autoimmune diseases. Professor Tincani’s primary clinical and research interests include the use of anti-rheumatic drugs in pregnant and lactating patients and the management of pregnancy in rheumatic disease patients, in addition to evaluating autoantibodies and autoimmune diseases as risk factors for poor gestational outcomes. She served as an expert for several European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) recommendations, including “Points to consider for use of anti-rheumatic drugs before pregnancy and during pregnancy and lactation”. Together with Professor Andreoli, Professor Tincani is co-principal investigator of the “Italian Registry of Pregnancy in Rheumatic Diseases”.

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