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Qualipsosex Questionnaire: A Practical Tool for Addressing an Important, and Often Taboo, Topic.


The Qualipsosex Questionnaire, a self-questionnaire designed to assess the impact of psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis on patients’ sexual health, was developed initially in French.1,2 To facilitate further discussions between patients and healthcare professionals around sexual health, UCB has contributed to the translation and linguistic validation of the questionnaire into Italian, Spanish, British English and German, in order to make these available to the wider medical community.

UCB Qualipsosex Questionnaire Thumbnail

Do you want to apply the questionnaire in your clinical practice? Scroll down now to find the questionnaire in your preferred language:

QualipsoSex Questionnaire_Italian.jpg

Click the download button below to access the linguistically validated Italian translation of the Qualipsosex Questionnaire.

QualipsoSex Questionnaire_Spanish.jpg

Click the download button below to access the linguistically validated Spanish translation of the Qualipsosex Questionnaire.

QualipsoSex Questionnaire_English.jpg

Click the download button below to access the linguistically validated English translation of the Qualipsosex Questionnaire.

QualipsoSex Questionnaire_German.jpg

Click the download button below to access the linguistically validated German translation of the Qualipsosex Questionnaire.

Published on
  1. Esteve E et al. Preliminary Development of a Questionnaire Assessing the Impact of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis on Patient's Perception of Sexuality. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018;97(42):e12807.
  2. Lespessailles E et al. Psychometric Validation of a Patient-Reported Outcome Questionnaire (Qualipsosex) Assessing the Impact of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis on Patient Perception of Sexuality. Medicine (Baltimore). 2021;100(1):e24168.

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